Southside Park
In 2019, Tyler Ambucs partnered with the City of Tyler to bring the first all-inclusive playground! Tyler Area Ambucs has adopted Southside Park and will be scheduling quarterly clean-ups for all to attend. All ages are welcome. Stay tuned to the newsletters and social media accounts for dates on future clean ups and more information!
Read more about Southside Park:
2019.11.17 - All-inclusive playground opens in Tyler
2019.03.28 - Tyler’s Southside Park renovations to include fully-accessible playground
2019.06.24 - Construction for inclusive playground at Tyler's Southside Park has begun
2019.11.17 - Children of all abilities can play at new all-inclusive park in Tyler
2019.06.25 - Construction of Southside Park's inclusive playground is underway, should open in fall
2019.02.13 - Inclusive playground moves forward at Southside Park